Monday, November 30, 2009

Marlboro marin audio slideshow

Luis used lots of skills in the video. like making a slide show, adding music to the back ground, adding effect,and also implemented voice. The effects that were created were as if it were either a biography instead of a slide show.The best image in the slide show would be the one where miller is looking at the sunset and the photographer used the shattered glass to add a frame the lighting was perfect and also it showed emotion which made the picture come to life. The sequence of photographs that are the most important are the ones where he is in the war because they show raw emotions in them. That creates the projection of the emotions to the viewer of the picture. The images work together to tell a story because it is as if that moment has been frozen in a paper and shows emotions that a person can explain better. Putting several images in a sequence makes a story even better because they will tell a story with more detail.

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